Digestive Health and Your Skin
There is an old saying of a wise man that says “every disease has its root in one’s own stomach”. Modern scientific studies and evidence have proved that this is, indeed, true. Like every other system, our skin (the largest living organ of our body) directly depends on our dietary habits, digestion and metabolism for its health, functioning and growth. The following article is intended to highlight the essential connection between digestive health and its relation to our skin. Before anything else, however, let’s first understand the meanings of “digestive health”.
What is Digestive Health?
The term digestive health simply refers to the health and normal condition and functioning of our digestive system (medically known as GIT or gastrointestinal tract).
Skin and Digestive Health Connection – What and How?
Our skin needs essential macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) to perform vital functions such as:
- Skin cell growth and development.
- Skin nutrition, replenishment and nourishment.
- Skin moisturizing and hydration.
- Skin repairing and healing (after damage and diseases).
- Skin immunity and defense against pathogens, germs and foreign invaders (bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi).
It is a well known fact that almost all of these nutrients come through the food we eat. Our consumed food is first ingested through mouth, stored in the stomach for few hours and is then absorbed in the small intestine (duodenum). It is through this “absorption” that the major micro and macronutrients found in our diet get absorbed into our blood. The rest of the “unwanted food” consisting of toxins and nitrogenous wastes material is excreted and eliminated out of the body in the form of “stool” by a process known as defecation. For the same reason, any disorder that affects your digestive system eventually affects your skin health as well. Two major conditions or problems that can directly and adversely affect the health of our skin include:
Constipation: Chronic (long term and progressive) constipation or reduced bowel movements will lead to excessive accumulation of the unwanted toxins and nitrogenous waste material in our body. This lowers our immunity and puts our skin at risk of developing various infections and disorders.
Diarrhea: Diarrhea results in excessive loss of water and vital nutrients such as sodium, potassium and magnesium. This leads to a condition known as dehydration. Some common skin-related symptoms of dehydration include wrinkling of skin, los of elasticity and dryness.
Some Proved Hints and Tips to Improve Your Digestive and Skin Health
- Eat a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients (fresh fruits and vegetables).
- Drink plenty of water (regular water consumption helps flush out toxins out of the body via urination and sweating).
- Exercise regularly. Regular and proper exercise ensures regular and timely bowel movements and prevents constipation.
- Eat fiber-rich food (green leafy vegetables, brand, whole wheat bread and cereals) to help prevent constipation.
- Drink some quality green tea to ensure a smooth and consistent supply of anti-oxidants to your skin.
- Take sufficient amount of sleep on regular basis (at least 6 to 8 hours a day).
Last but not the least; they have truly said that “as the eyes are the mirror to one’s soul, the skin is the mirror to one’s digestive tract. Our digestive health is proportional to our skin health i.e. a cleaner digestive system means a neater and cleaner skin as well. You should, therefore, put special emphasis on the consumption of food rich in nutrients and fiber and keep your digestive system disease-free. This will, in turn, help prevent your skin from various acute and chronic diseases.